Wednesday 29 April 2009

Live. Love. Learn

Live is so busy, I miss the fashion industry. I felt socially inept today, Recently learned who my friends were, excited about the up coming show season and I just found a photographer in Hawaii who inspired me!
I've recently felt like running away to join a gypsy love circle, rolling around in the sand and then jumping off of a blue rock into the crystal clear ocean. free of all life's worries and full of wonderful beautiful photography.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Changes Changes Changes

Always changing, ever developing.
No matter the pace at which it moves, a constant flux of change is inevitable in the progression and growth of a being.
Learning to adapt is in our nature, or at least its in mine.
I used to get tired, now I just accept and move on.
I've found my comfort zone.

Wednesday 15 April 2009


Compassion, peace, Understanding, Acceptance.
Honesty, Beauty, Appreciation, Positivity.
Love, Trust, Unity and Equality.

''Follow me off the edge of the celestial sphere and into the cosmic abyss''

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Late, later, latest.

I have now accepted that I will forever be the girl with 15 minutes disease.

life Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday 13 April 2009


Its monday, Im tired...
I strongly dislike this feeling, overwhelming course load, Unspoken judgements and no breakfast.
Going to get coffee

Saturday 11 April 2009

Presumptions Assumptions and Hurt feelings

You know that saying ''Good things come to those who wait?''-
As far as my life goes, its been more like ''You make your own luck.''

I noticed recently I write best under extreme emotion or complete confusion (No matter how grounded I am on the physical plane). When I write my heart becomes the author, often it takes on its own path.
Right now I wish I had more control over the ideas in my mind- I think that would be going against my nature though, regardless of how accommodating it would be to other people. For the past couple of days I've been struggling to find a balance between being myself and pleasing the people I feel I need to, I don't really understand why I find it so pertinent to please these people either... more often that not It feels unnatural. The healthy thing to do would be to stop, and the comfortable to ignore.
Some people can be so goddamn immature about life (myself included)- its a complete waste of time. I understand a craving for drama but, really? Does it need to be this constant? Im a little tired of being the grape someone is trying to turn into wine. Its over and done.